Services Bubble Graphic



Are you job ready and having difficulty finding a job? GREAT realizes that helping clients obtain and retain jobs is just as important as preparing them for the work force. To address this issue, we are developing services that are geared towards connecting employers to Six Nations’ job ready work force.

Services Initiative Icon

Services may include such components as outreach, employer services, employer data base, and marketing and promotions.

Student Support Services

The Student Support Services Program is designed to provide year-round workshops to assist in-school youth with awareness activities and provide information on career options and planning for the future.

E.g. Workshop Facilitator can conduct workshop and information sessions with elementary school students.

On-going intervention to youth of all ages to increase awareness around broader career counselling and information outreach, and to encourage students to complete their schooling

Program & Service Officer
Resume Assistance
Resume Assistance
Employment Counselling
Employment Counselling
Needs Assessments
Needs Assessments
Job Referrals
Job Placement
Job Placement
Job Leads
Job Leads

Career Information Centre

Grand River Employment and Training’s Career Information Centre (CIC) offers a range of services and resources to help you select a career or make a career change. Selecting a career that matches your interest, aptitude, skills, and values is one of the most important decisions you can make. If you are employed, unemployed, a recent graduate student, or a parent who wishes to help guide your child through this decision making process, we can help you. The CIC offers the following services and resources: Career Assessments, Job Search, Career Experience/Job Shadowing, Resume/Cover Letter, Temporary Employment, Resource Library, Equipment Access, Internet and Computer Access, Career Kiosk, Application Forms.

Job Search

The CIC is a great place to learn how to prepare, find and maintain employment. All Six Nations Elected Council’s (SNEC) employment opportunities are located on our job board. Please visit the job bank located on our website for further details. Free Internet access is available to locate a multitude of potential employers from a list of various employment websites e.g. GREAT’s job board can be heard Monday to Friday on CKRZ 100.3FM and Jukasa Radio 93.5FM.

Equipment Access

Signing in with reception is required when accessing a computer.

As a guest, you have access to 6 computers with free internet that you are welcome to use for resume/cover letter creation, accessing job search engines, and any additional employment and/or training needs. We also have a printer, fax machine, and photocopier that is available for employment-related business, up to 20 copies.

Employment and Training Coach

An Employment and Training Coach is available by appointment only 

Employment Counselling and follow-up

Individual Needs Assessment

One-on-one Resume Assistance

Career Related Workshops

Labour Market Information

Proposal and Training Plan Development

Job Referral and Placement

Job Leads

Other Services
Screening Job Applications for Employers
Screening Job Applications for Employers
Agency Referrals
Agency Referrals
Relocation Assistance
Relocation Assistance

Screening Job Applications for Employers

Agency Referrals

Relocation Assistance

Monthly On-site Service Canada Representative Sessions

Temporary Employee Selection Services for Six Nations Band Council departments; Employee recruiting, screening, interviewing and selection. Must register with GREAT.

Our Annual Report

Our annual report shows our success over the last calendar year.